Merry Christmas Everyone!
In 2024, a group of talented local musicians from North Central Massachusetts came together for a special project:
A Homegrown Album Filled with Love, Friendship, and the Joy of Giving Back
🎁 Our Gift to You:
A collection of holiday classics - old favorites and fresh takes - completely free for you to enjoy. You can download this collection at no charge on Spotify & Apple Music
🎁 Join Us in the Spirit of Giving:
We hope you’ll join us in spreading the cheer by donating to local families in need. 100% of donations will go to the Gardner CAC (Community Action Committee) to benefit the surrounding communities.
The Talented Musicians Behind the Music
The Christmas album, North Central xMass, is a heartfelt collaboration of incredible local talent from the North Central Massachusetts area. These gifted musicians came together, donating their time and creativity, to bring the spirit of the season to life through music. Every note reflects their passion, dedication, and generosity. Click below to meet the amazing artists who made this project possible